30 October 2006

Divergence, convergence

Divergence, convergence, originally uploaded by hawkexpress.

Hawk Sugano started this thread that has me thoroughly engaged.

It's about using index cards to capture your ideas. What is the best size of index card? What is the best way to store them? How do you use them?

If you find the subject interesting, please join Josh, Hawk, Edward and me: Share your thoughts!

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29 October 2006

Designing for emergence

Notes and sketches, originally uploaded by dgray_xplane.

Eugene Eric Kim speaks on emergent design.

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17 October 2006

Doc Searls on open source

Notes from Airlie retreat, originally uploaded by dgray_xplane.

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Tom Friedman on context

Notes from Airlie retreat, originally uploaded by dgray_xplane.

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01 October 2006


Valence, originally uploaded by dgray_xplane.

The beauty of visualization.

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