16 October 2008

Good morning Amsterdam!

I'm in Amsterdam today and this evening I will be having an informal conversation with Yuri Engelhardt and whoever else shows up. If you live here I hope you will join us. Here are the details:

Thursday 16 October, 20:00-21:30
Location: Department of Mediastudies, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Turfdraagsterpad 9, room 0.04. Map here.

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10 October 2008

Greetings Berlin!

I arrived in Berlin yesterday for VizThink Europe 08. I will be touring the city with Tom Crawford and Ryan Coleman of VizThink. If you happen to be in or near Berlin and would like to meet up with us text message me at +1.314.496.6129 and I will text back our location. Hope to see you!

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