19 April 2007

Sketches of Morrocco

Beautiful sketches of Morrocco by Enrique Flores Here's another one.


  1. Anonymous4/21/2007

    Ja, ja. Thanks for the link, Dave!

  2. Beautiful images. I wanted them to go slower so I could admire the technique...

    Isn't it interesting how different sketches and impressions are from photographs. To not only admire the scene but also the artistry. And to feel something of what the artist was feeling. In the digital era it demonstrates how a selective vision can be all the more important (not just what is in the image, but what is left out) in communication.

    Of course I'm no Luddite, via digital video and peer networks we all get to share an intimate glimpse...very cool. Thanks.

  3. Great illustrations. Its great to capture the moment beyond a photograph. Drawing it, means you have to study it - which in turn, will create detailed memories.

  4. Whiteboard -- it's true. I have been keeping sketchbooks for many years, and I can look through the drawings and, for many of them, I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing.

    Drawing has a way of focusing you in the moment.


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