16 October 2008

Good morning Amsterdam!

I'm in Amsterdam today and this evening I will be having an informal conversation with Yuri Engelhardt and whoever else shows up. If you live here I hope you will join us. Here are the details:

Thursday 16 October, 20:00-21:30
Location: Department of Mediastudies, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Turfdraagsterpad 9, room 0.04. Map here.


  1. Would have loved to be there! Did you record the conversation in some kind of form for sharing? (thinking napkin sketch here, probably)

  2. Unfortunately no. But the conversation was wonderful!

  3. Anonymous11/12/2008

    that's a very nice place...

  4. Anonymous11/26/2008

    Wish you were speaking at IABC in S.F next June...

    They are communicators & some vizthink people were in my audience at their 2008 conf. in NY

    Time for a visual demo/briefing for members. I speak there on Communicate to Collaborate. What fun if we could collaborate on it

    kare, moving from me to we

  5. That would be fun Kare, I agree :)


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