19 January 2009

Comment spam

Dear readers,

I guess it's a measure of popularity, but comment spam on this blog has gotten a bit out of control in recent months.

For those who don't know the term, comment spam refers to comments that are blatantly promotional and link back to the commenter. They say things like "Visit my pharmaceutical site" and "WOW power-leveller." Comment spam is an unethical way for web-based businesses to raise their rankings in the search engines.

It does not refer to comments that legitimately address the ideas in the blog post, however controversial those may be.

As this blog gets a fair amount of traffic, it seems to have become a target. I prefer not to moderate posts but at this point I am spending too much time every day going through comments and deleting spam. It's like weeding the garden, which was never my favorite chore.

So, reluctantly, I am instituting some weed-control measures. I have set comments on this blog to "moderated." I'm still allowing anonymous comments and I promise to publish any comments that relate to the posts, regardless of whether I agree or disagree. I'll even publish rude comments as long as they are relevant and not obscene. In matters where the decision is difficult, I will apply Robert Scoble's living room test.

I hope that this extra step will not discourage you from commenting on this blog. Your comments and the discussions they generate are the main reason I blog, so I hope they will continue.

Best regards,



  1. Damn. I am not sure what happened but as I was trying to moderate comments I think I accidentally deleted them :(

    I am very sorry. I think I know what I am doing now so I don't think this will happen again.

  2. I truly apologize for accidentally deleting some of your comments. If you are up for it, would you please re-comment? If you do I will publish them this time.


  3. Unless you are a spammer of course :)


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.