Cingular spokesman Mark Siegel says it's not a consumer freedom issue, it's about economics.
I say it's a good time to switch your services, so Cingular can understand the economics of treating their customers this way.
Read more here.
If you want to get out of your Cingular contract, here are some tips:
- How to get out of a cellular service contract
- Get out of your cell phone contract
- Celltrade: A service that helps you change providers
- How to get out of a cell phone contract
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For a second there I thought I clicked on the wrong link and ended up at Consumerist! Good to see you posting again!
Ha ha! Well when I heard that I was so pissed off I had to write something. :)
In response to the outpouring of support from bloggers like you, industry thought leaders, consumer interest groups and the media, Free Conferencing Corp (creators of FreeConferenceCall.com) has set up a special web site --http://blog.freeconferencecall.com/Default.aspx -- to set the record straight on the call blocking and law suits being leveraged by the major carriers including Cingular/AT&T Wireless and Sprint/Nextel. This site includes links to current blog postings, blocking FAQs, forum for visitors to blog, and, most importantly, a "Know your Rights" section directing people to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) web site so customers fully understand how their rights are being violated. The Know your Rights section includes links to learning about current FCC regulations, filing a complaint with the FCC, contacting your state attorney general and reading about historic cases that refute the claims of the telecommunications carrier "Goliaths." FreeConferenceCall.com is also encouraging site visitors to subscribe to a list to join the fight in a class action suit.
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