The idea is that you can keep your friends informed of where you are and what you're doing by text-messaging them from your mobile phone. If you think about it it's a pretty cool idea: You can subscribe to text messages from your friends and they can "blog" their wheareabouts and doings. So, for example, if you're going to be in a certain city, or a certain coffee shop, or a certain club -- you can text message all your friends in one go, for example: "I'm going to the Starbucks at Market and Polk. Meet me if you want to play Scrabble."
People will get your text message immediately no matter where they are -- it's more immediate than a blog or email, and if they happen to be nearby, you haven't missed an opportunity to hook up.
Keep in touch! Sign up to get updates and occasional emails from me.
Fantastic idea for a service, especially here where we're charged the earth for sms communication.
Great idea!
Thanks for the tip Dave.
Hi Dave- Why is this better than the "Send to many" command on my phone? Ta- Adam
Hi Adam, It's not necessarily better, just different. If "send to many" works for you, go for it.
It's different in the same way that blogging is different than using a cc list.
This sounds like the dodgeball service that my friends and I have been using for about a year now. Wonderfully instant!
Those folks are definately industry leaders. Just when you think there can't possibly another successful web based startup. Somebody thinks of something like Twttr. By the way I'm thinking of changing my name to "Jcb". Vowels are sooo last 2002.
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