He kept a journal along the way, where he drew an ink sketch and wrote a haiku for every day of the 5,000-mile trip.
He's published the journal under the title "bicycle haiku" and now you can buy it here.
A previous post about Kevin Kelly.
Kevin Kelly's website.
[Update: Mike Rohde pointed me to Kevin's story about how he got to the point of riding a bike across the US. In this recording his story begins around 4:20 minutes in.]
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Dave, I heard Kevin deliver a very moving story of how he got to the point of riding a bike across the US that's well worth hearing:
His story is Act One of Episode 50 from January 1997. In this recording his story begins around 4:20 minutes in.
I first heard this story in my car and ended up sitting in my car with the motor off, just to hear the whole story -- it was that riveting. Check it out.
Dave, I heard Kevin deliver a very moving story of how he got to the point of riding a bike across the US that's well worth hearing on the NPR show, This American Life:
His story is Act One of Episode 50 from January 1997. In this recording his story begins around 4:20 minutes in.
I first heard this story in my car and ended up sitting in my car with the motor off, just to hear the whole story -- it was that riveting. Check it out.
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